Thursday 7 May 2009

how does my garden grow

Well its been about 4 weeks since I planted everything else and every day I seem to find something new popping up.
Yesterday I came home at lunch and found some cherry tomatoes growing. I swear they weren't there in the morning.
Also found a new courgette popping up.
I have so many lettuces its scary. I'm going to have to thin them "to the strongest" but I have no idea what that means.

Hopefully on Sunday I can sow some corn. I've read that they don't like to have to roots disturbed, so I've collected some loo rolls to use as biodegradable pots. I hope it works as Matthew and I both love corn and I only have 10 seeds to grow from. Apparently each seed will only yield one ear of corn, which is a pity.

I've also noted that on top of some of my seed pots a weird green moss fungy stuff. I've no idea what it is or if its good or bad, but I don't like it. I think it might be from keeping the pots covered with plastic all the time, it's probably pretty humid in there.