Monday 13 July 2009

July 13th- first crop

So summer is finally here and its time to start reaping what aI sowed months ago.
The Courgettes/ Zucchinis are coming along well. I had my first one for dinner tonite, and it was tasty.I should have a lot more too in the next few weeks. Also the 1st of the carrots should be ready in a fortnight or so.
My beetroot are coming along well, but I have no idea when to tell when a beetroot is ready.

Thursday 7 May 2009

how does my garden grow

Well its been about 4 weeks since I planted everything else and every day I seem to find something new popping up.
Yesterday I came home at lunch and found some cherry tomatoes growing. I swear they weren't there in the morning.
Also found a new courgette popping up.
I have so many lettuces its scary. I'm going to have to thin them "to the strongest" but I have no idea what that means.

Hopefully on Sunday I can sow some corn. I've read that they don't like to have to roots disturbed, so I've collected some loo rolls to use as biodegradable pots. I hope it works as Matthew and I both love corn and I only have 10 seeds to grow from. Apparently each seed will only yield one ear of corn, which is a pity.

I've also noted that on top of some of my seed pots a weird green moss fungy stuff. I've no idea what it is or if its good or bad, but I don't like it. I think it might be from keeping the pots covered with plastic all the time, it's probably pretty humid in there.

Tuesday 14 April 2009

In the beginning

So I now have a garden and thought I would try my hand at growing stuff.
Having no idea of the British weather I think its going to be a bit hit and miss.

Step 1: I went to my local hardware centre for some seeds (I'm trying to do this as cheap and easily as possible).
There are so many different types of seeds to go for, So i thought I would try some of the multipack stuff. That way I'll be trying to grow lots of stuff, so hopefully something will work.
After about 1/2 an hour of umming and ahhing this is what I ended up with...

Seeing as I have no patience, I thought I should go for some child friendly stuff, and I like to eat most of these.
Also Matt and I love Mexican so this seemed good.

Add a few herbs for everyday stuff.
and some Courgettes and Eggplants (or is that Zucchini and Aubergine?)
And I'm ready to go.